Binwin’s Minions is an online comic by Tavis Maiden and Cory Casoni based on the famed Dungeons and Dragons character, Binwin Bronzebottom, created by Eisner and Harvey award winning cartoonist Scott Kurtz. The comic follows Binwin as he attempts to teach four level-none Minions what it means to be adventurers. In return, they'll teach Binwin what it means to be a family... or something.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 01:37:51 AM
Binwin Bronzebottom: Professional Warrior, Trap Discoverer, Back-Axer, and your new boss. Join the exciting world of freelance adventurneering as one of Binwin’s Minions!
Challenge: We want to get 500 shares and 400 total Backers. Sum up what you would bring to the party in one sentence by posting your Minion Credentials on Facebook or Twitter using the #BinwinComic hashtag and linking to the Kickstarter:
Reward: All Binwin’s Minions V1 upgraded to include Foil Stamped Covers & Book Ribbons!
This is a big one gang. The second and third weeks of a Kickstarter campaign are always the hardest, so spreading the word is super important. If we get these shares and extra Backers it’ll be the boost we need, when we need it the most!
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 10:43:58 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
New Binwin's Minions Milestones!
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 12:31:47 PM
We're trying something new with the Binwin's Minions V1 Kickstarter by setting some fun little challenges throughout the run of the campaign called Milestones!
Every week or so we’ll set a new Milestone challenge for us all to work on together and, when we hit our goal, everybody will get a reward! Think of these like micro-stretch goals that we get to conquer together throughout the course of the Kickstarter. So, without further ado, let us reveal our first ever Milestone challenge:
Challenge: 300 Total Backers by Friday night at 11:59pm PDT
Reward: Binwin’s Minions Desktop Wallpapers
Designed by series co-creator Tavis Maiden and book designer Keith Wood, these wallpapers come in orange/white and black/white and feature fun Binwin’s Minions battle icons for each of the Minions’ classes. When we’ve successfully got 300 total Backers, we’ll post and Update with links to download the wallpapers in the most common monitor sizes. Have a gander at these high-tech mockups!
Orange & White
Black & White
Here we go! We’ve got a little over a day to gain an additional 135 new Backers to the campaign to get to 300. So tell your friends and family all about Binwin’s Minions and we’ll get an extra push going on our social media and websites. We’re confident that together we can hit this Milestone easily and get everybody a fancy new Desktop Wallpaper :D
Binwin's Minions V1 - Artist Edition Preview
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 03:26:06 PM
Co-creator and series artist, Tavis Maiden is already hard at work on the watercolor art plates for the Binwin's Minions V1 Artist Editions! We were able to captured some time-lapse videos of him while he worked.
Check it out and help us spread the word about the Binwin's Minions V1 Kickstarter!